Friday, February 21, 2014

Whole Foods Market

The first time I went to a whole foods //about 11 years ago,, time flies! // it felt like I could NEVER EVER shop there. Meaning, whole foods would never be my destination for standard grocery shopping, it felt EXPENSIVE $$$ //it is still expensive compared to your "regular" grocery stores//. Fast forward to today and Whole Foods IS my primary grocery shopping destination. At first it was a love-hate relationship (I know I should eat organic but I can't afford it!). Then every now and then I would go in and get a few things. Until now, I mostly buy my groceries from there. 

Produce picture from my local Whole Foods.

This blog is NOT about Whole Foods, but more like the journey to a healthier/greener lifestyle within the restrictions of a limited income. //what does healthy mean anyway, right?...that's another topic for a blog post!// BUT you will see many 365 whole foods brand products, which I buy because they are cheaper and organic.  

Talking about "limited income", Lisa Johnson's feeding a family on poverty level at Whole Foods challenge inspired me to do the same. That's when I realized that if I cooked more at home - spend on organic food what I spend on fast food - it all could make a difference health wise, well obviously, duh, right?! As a mother of two, sometimes it's just so easy to get some fast food and voila, dinner is served - but I'm glad I'm totally on a better path now! 

(((( Although I will still probably every now and them take the kids to chik-fil-a... have you heard that they will stop serving chicken raised with antibiotic within 5 years? That's amazing, right?! I read about it via NPR an article titled "Americans Want Antibiotic-Free Chicken, And The Industry Is Listening". ))))

Every single thing I purchase is not organic, when I go out to eat the food is probably not organic but again, I am limiting this (at this time) and allowing myself to eat healthier. I am still learning about many things regarding food, pesticides, gmo's, etc. My future posts will be about food news, things I'm learning on this food adventure and  recipe/tips/ideas for simple meals. 

Welcome & I hope you enjoy the blog!

1 comment:

  1. i love the idea, i want to learn how to eat healthy too without feeling overwhelmed !! :)
